
I wanted to write this blog to put in one place the information on fitness and wellbeing I have found around the internet, and from talking to my friends and colleagues.

I wanted to make this my “General Health Blog”, instead of focussing specifically on a certain regime of exercise, or a particular diet, as I think the best way to better health and fitness is through a well-rounded program, which is also more fun to commit to, and you can’t get bored or tired if you can jump from one physical exercise to another in 10 or twenty-minute bursts.

Wellbeing for the individual is better for society as a whole, as we can become better people and become better examples to those around us. Feeling fitter and better in your body helps you feel better in your mind, and vice-versa.

I hope to concentrate on good exercises and examples to help improve ourselves, and would love t hear from you if you have any stories you would like to tell!

So please send me an email, or leave a comment, and we can start getting the best ideas out to others!